Aren’t we always looking for that perfect plant? Well, Bulbine frutescens comes pretty close.
This South African native is heading the list of low maintenance plants. Let’s see, Bulbine is
- Cold hardy to 20 degrees
- Very drought tolerant, requires no irrigation once established
- Needs almost no fertilizer
- No insects or disease problems
- Likes full sun, heat, and sand
- Grown low and compact
- Has many medicinal uses
- And, of course, flowers almost 12 months of the year
Bulbine grown in a tight clump (12”) with light green succulent leaves (6”). Its flowers are on stems
reaching 18” high. Bulbine has two color variations, Hallmark orange and pale yellow. This aloe-like
plant likes full sun, but a little shade is OK. A slow grower, its low spreading clumps reach 12 inches
in height and about 18 inches wide. Propagation is by seed or division.
Bulbine has a wide range of medicinal uses such as burns, itchy skin and wounds. The Rastafarians
make a tea from the leaves for colds, coughs, and arthritis.
Bulbine is unusual and hard to find presently. But in the near future it will become one of the best
ground covers we have in central Florida. Come visit the nursery to see this new plant.
Hours of Operation: Monday – Saturday 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM and Sunday 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Address: 2010 E Lake Drive, Casselberry, FL 32707
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