Which mulch is best for your needs? What types are available?

BULBINE (Bulbine Frutescens)

BULBINE (Bulbine Frutescens)

Aren’t we always looking for that perfect plant? Well, Bulbine frutescens comes pretty close. This South African native is heading the list of low maintenance plants. Let’s see, Bulbine is 1. Cold hardy to 20 degrees 2. Very drought tolerant, requires no irrigation...

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Cast Iron Plant (Aspidistra)

Cast Iron Plant (Aspidistra)

The cast iron is an old plant known to be a potted plant in Egypt over 3,000 years ago. It was widely grown as a popular houseplant in this country from 1870 to 1940.  Do you remember the song “How’s your aspidistra”? It will tolerate a wide variety of growing...

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